2020, what a year! It’s probably the most unusual year of my generation, but compared to what our parents and grandparents had to go through, it wasn’t that bad. Yes, we had to adjust and adapt to the new “normal” but it wasn’t all negative. Yes, we didn’t travel this year, instead we managed to renovate all bathrooms in our house. That’s a big win. I personally love working from home and being close to Stefan all day. Yes, his social skills suffered, but I’m sure that’s a temporary set back. He’s healthy and that’s the most precious thing in the world. Here’re a few pictures from every month of this year.

January Sunset at Newport Beach
January Sunset at Newport Beach
View from Top of the World Park
View from Top of the World Park
Top of the World Park
Top of the World Park
15 months
March – Stefan turned 15 months

We spent a lot of time around the house during the lock down. When the parks and beaches opened again we got out as often as possible. Nature is such a healer. We went to 14 OC Regional Parks, but that’s a story for another post 🙂

April – Easter
Staying at home
More staying at home
Playgrounds were closed so we built one at home
July – more early morning beach time
August – pool is finally warm enough to swim
Exploring the parks
October – Pumpkin patch at the Irvine Regional Park
Pioneer Park
Halloween costume 2020
Sunsets are early enough to watch together with Stefan
Lots of playground time
December – Stefan is 2
How we feel about COVID

The year ended on a sad note with dad having suffered a stroke, but we are hopeful for a speedy recovery. I hope things get to a more “normal” state in 2021, but let’s not forget the things 2020 taught us – to feel grateful and appreciative of our health and spending time with our families.


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