Rocky Mountain National Park in the fall is a beautiful sight to see: bursts of bright yellow color among a sea of evergreen covered mountains and tons of elk everywhere in the park.



aspen trees
aspen trees
Stuck in traffic
The cause of all the traffic jams in the park
The cause of all the traffic jams in the park
Here is another one
Here is another one


fall colors
fall colors
What year is it?
What year is it?

The alpine forests turn into tundra at higher elevation with cold temperatures, high winds, no trees and cloud cover.

The road into the cloud
The road into the cloud
The elk are everywhere
The elk are everywhere


We stopped in Grand Lake over night, a cute little town near the west entrance to the park.

Morning sky
Morning sky
Evening hike to a waterfall
Evening hike to a waterfall in Grand Lake
Cute red fox
Cute red fox

The next day we drove to Bear Lake area where we hiked around Bear Lake and Dream Lake.

Bear Lake
Bear Lake
Dream Lake


Lessons leaned:
1. Find out when they offer free admission to the park and avoid it at all costs. The traffic is not worth it.
2. Altitude sickness is real and will make hiking at high altitudes very challenging.


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