We spent E’s birthday pedaling around Cumberland Island National Seashore off the coast of Georgia. It was another last minute trip inspired by a pinterest picture 🙂 Something like this.

Pristine nature on Cumberland Island

To get to the island we took the morning ferry from the Visitor Center. There were more than 120 people on the boat and only about 30 bikes available for rent. We boarded last so we can be among the first off the boat to get a chance at renting the bikes 😉 We were lucky, the plan worked! After speaking with the ranger, we decided to try to make it to the tour of Plum Orchard which was a mere 7.5 mi away. We had almost an hour – plenty of time, but the roads are not paved and in some places they are covered in sand. We made it there with 1 minute to spare but we could barely walk.
Cumberland used to be a private island of the famous Carnegie family and Plum Orchard was one of the family mansions where they loved to entertain and show off their riches.

Plum Orchard mansion
The entrance hall

This was a very deep pool and they were draining it weekly because they didn’t have a filtering system at the time
We had a nice picnic under a huge oak tree at Plum Orchard

We took it easier on the way back fully enjoying the beautiful weather and nature. We stumbled on wild horses, a turkey, an armadillo, some deer and tons of biting creatures. Even with insect repellent, I got my fair share of bites.

The beach does not compare to Hawaii, but it was refreshing and soothing for our sore muscles to cool off in the chilly water.

The beach at Stafford campground. Not a soul in site.

After getting back to the dock and refilling our water bottles, we continued south to the Dungeness ruins.

The ruins of Dungeness mansion
Around Dungeness ruins

After 20 mi of riding around the island, we were ready to go back and have a nice dinner at the Half Shell on St. Simon island. Coming next!

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March 2, 2018

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