I’ve been dreaming of going back to HI ever since the baby-moon, so when the opportunity presented itself, we quickly made the reservations and two weeks later we were soaking in the sun (some of us were chowing down sand) and enjoying the slow pace of island time. We also celebrated Stefan’s 11 month birthday while we were there!

We stayed in Kihei, were we usually stay on Maui. We like it’s central location on the island, which makes any destination a manageable drive away. Almost every day started and ended with time on the beach, which the baby LOVED and it got him so tired that he had the best naps ever.
Happy baby! Sunset at the beach Making friends with kids on the beach He just smiled and sat down next to them 🙂

We revisited some of our favorite destination that are more or less baby friendly. One day we drove past Hana to Haleakala National Park and did the Pipiwai Trail to Waimoku Falls hike with Stefan in the carrier. He slept through some of the hike up , which goes through an amazing bamboo forest and ends at the waterfall. Carrying a baby on a 4 mi (round trip) hike with all uphill climb one way was not easy, but i’m glad we did it. Stefan was a trooper, he didn’t complain much, but he sure was excited and ready to run around when we got back to the car exhausted.

The waterfall at the end of the hike “Let’s go explore!”

We drove to the top of Haleakala volcano one afternoon to catch the sunset. It was freezing up there and pretty crowded but not as much as it would’ve been at sunrise.

We had an early morning photo session at the beach near the hotel to remember the time when Stefan was 11 months. Time flies fast and babies change very quickly, that’s my way of freezing these fleeting moments.

It’s always a good time in Hawaii. Until next time!